MINI 900 Series Monitors

Special offer - Order now to receive free shipping on all Mini 900 Series models!!!
All 900 Series monitors come complete with certificate, Instructions and Alkaline Batteries (rechargeable batteries and AC mains supply optional).
900 Series Type E Contamination Monitor with ZP1490 GM tube GB £ 1179.00 for gamma and soft beta. Display: 0.5 - 2000 CPS
900 Series Type EP15 Contamination Monitor with 7313 GM tube GB £ 1199.00 twice as sensitive as the Type E. Display: 0.5 - 2000 CPS
900 Series Type EP15 FL with heavy-duty 'frisker' probe and 7313 GM tube GB £ 1329.00 Display: 0.5 - 2000 CPS
900 Series Type 41 Scintillation Monitor GB £ 2099.00 25 keV upwards - directional sensitivity. Display: 0.5 - 5000 CPS
900 Series Type 41S Scintillation Monitor GB £ 2299.00 25 keV upwards - omni-directional sensitivity. Display: 0.5 - 5000 CPS
900 Series Type 44A Scintillation Monitor GB £ 1899.00 for: large areas; gamma > 15 keV; beta > 500 keV. Display: 0.5 - 5000 CPS
900 Series Type 44B Scintillation Monitor GB £ 2349.00 The same probe as the Type 44A, but with a with beryllium window for gamma > 5 keV. Display: 0.5 - 5000 CPS
900 Series Scintillation Monitor without probe GB £ 899.00
900 Series Type DA Radiation Monitor (GM tube) GB £ 1199.00 Partially compensated to allow energies down to 17 keV. Display 0.1 - 1000 uSv/h
900 Series Type X Radiation Monitor (GM tube) GB £ 1229.00 Uncompensated to allow energies down to 10 keV. Good for X-ray detection. Display: 0.5 - 2000 CPS
900 Series Type 42A Scintillation Monitor DISCONTINUED
900 Series Type 42B Scintillation Monitor DISCONTINUED
900 Series Type RA Radiation Monitor (GM tube) DISCONTINUED
900 Series Type GA Radiation Monitor (MC70A GM tube) DISCONTINUED
900 Series Type GLA Radiation Monitor (MC71A GM tube) DISCONTINUED